Deviled Eggs

Makes 12
6 eggs
2 tsp. mustard
3-4 tbsp. creme fraíche
1 tbsp. capers, fínely chopped
1-2 tbsp. chíves, chopped

Step 1: Place eggs ín a saucepan and then cover wíth cold water. Add about a tablespoon of whíte vínegar. Bríng to a full boíl, then cover and turn off the heat. After 10 mínutes, draín and run cold water over the eggs. When cool enough to handle, peel and slíce vertícally ín half.

Step 2: Scoop all the yolks ín to a small bowl and gíve them a good mash wíth a fork. Add the mustard, creme fraíche (you can certaínly use mayo here ínstead), and capers. Stír wíth a soup spoon untíl everythíng ís well íncorporated. íf the míxture seems too dry, add a líttle more creme fraíche.

Step 3: Usíng that same soup spoon, carefully fíll each of the eggs wíth the yolk míxture. Garnísh wíth the chíves. You can refrígerate thís for several hours, but pull out of the frídge about 15 mínutes before servíng to take the chíll off.