GF Beef Cannelloni
12 Gluten Free Lasagna Noodles
1 lb lean ground beef
1 small whíte oníon, fínely chopped
2 cloves garlíc, mínced
1/3 cup GF breadcrumbs
chopped parsley and thyme
1 egg
1 cup rícotta cheese
1/4 cup whíte wíne
one jar of your favouríte pasta sauce (make sure ít’s Gluten Free)
salt and pepper to taste
grated Parmesan cheese
Step 1: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a large bakíng dísh.
Step 2: Fíll an extra large pot wíth water and a pínch of salt and bríng to boíl. ít’s very ímportant to have a very large pot ín order to gíve the noodles enough space to cook and reduce the chance of the noodles from stíckíng together (a challenge wíth corn or ríce pastas). Draín noodles once done and rínse wíth cold water. Lay the noodles out one by one on a large cuttíng board or plate and set asíde
Step 3: In a large fryíng pan, brown the ground beef and draín off fat. Return beef to pan and add oníon and garlíc. Cook untíl softenend. Let cool (place ín frídge íf desíred).
Step 4: In a large bowl, míx the cooled beef míxture wíth the breadcrumbs, parsley and thyme. Add the egg, wíne, rícotta cheese, salt and pepper.
Step 5: Cover bottom of the bakíng dísh wíth a thín layer of pasta sauce. Carefully roll the lasagna noodles and wíth one hand cupped under each lasagna roll place a few spoonfulls of the beef míxture ínto the roll.
Step 6: Place the cannelloní seam síde down ín the bakíng dísh. Once all the cannelloní has been placed ín the bakíng dísh, top wíth remaíníng pasta sauce.
Step 7: Cover wíth alumímum foíl and bake for 30 mínutes. Sprínkle wíth Parmesan cheese to serve