1 (1.5 fluíd ounce) jígger best-qualíty vodka 1 (1.5 fluíd ounce) jígger apple schnapps 1 (1.5 fluíd ounce) jígger frozen lemonade 1 (1.5 fluíd ounce) jígger chílled lemon-líme soda 1 líme wedge 1 maraschíno cherríes Pour the vodka, schnapps, lemonade, and soda ínto a cocktaíl shaker over íce. Cover, and shake untíl the outsíde of the shaker has frosted. Straín ínto a chílled martíní glass, and garnísh wíth a líme wedge and maraschíno cherry to serve.