It’s been overcast for a full 24-hours now and I slipped into a sweater and started wearing fur-lined boots to celebrate. My body is craving comfort everything, and the leaves are starting to drop and fall in yellow waves, with the slightest tints of red all about the edges and centers and such.
Let’s make pumpkins things, shall we?
Since we’re a Paleo plus house (mom eats paleo, the kids snack it out on other sundries from time to time), this week has seen a plethora of truly divine treats. Some just for me. Some for everyone else. I thought I’d share because, whoo-baby baby. They’s goods.
Continue reading: Salted Caramel Pumpkin Bars, Paleo Pumpkin Cookies, and more!
©2012 Cheeky Kitchen
via Cheeky Kitchen http://www.cheekykitchen.com/2013/09/salted-caramel-pumpkin-bars-paleo-pumpkin-cookies-and-more.html