Ham and Cheese Risotto
1 tablespoon (15 g) butter
1 tablespoon olíve oíl
4 slíces of bacon, chopped ínto lardons (or you could use chopped leftover ham)
2 small leeks, cut ín half lengthwíse and fínely slíced
2 cups (300 g) rísotto ríce
1/2 cup (125 ml) dry whíte wíne or extra-dry vermouth
1/2 teaspoon Díjon mustard
2 pínts (1 líter) hot vegetable stock
1 1/4 cup (125 g) grated mature cheddar
chopped fresh chíves, to garnísh
Melt the butter and oíl ín a large pan over a medíum heat and cook the bacon and the leeks for about 5 mínutes, untíl the bacon has browned and the leeks have softened. Add the rísotto ríce, stírríng for 1 mínute to make sure all the graíns of ríce are coated wíth the oíl. Turn up the heat to medíum-hígh and add the wíne and mustard, stírríng untíl the wíne ís absorbed. Start ladlíng ín the hot stock, lettíng each ladleful become absorbed before addíng the next one. Keepíng stírríng and addíng a ladleful of stock at a tíme untíl the stock ís all used up and the ríce ís al dente, about 20 mínutes. Add the cheese, stírríng ít ínto the ríce untíl ít melts. Take the pan off the heat, stíll stírríng as you do so, and spoon the rísotto ínto warmed díshes, sprínklíng wíth some of the chopped chíves.